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Alkaline diet with activated nuts

Lent has begun and all around me some people are starting to cut out all kinds of things. Some give up food completely and drink only water, some leave out alcohol or coffee, still others stop watching TV or driving, others reduce waste and rethink their consumer behavior.

This idea of physical and also mental cleansing is quite wonderful and has been implemented in many cultures for thousands of years. This has created in me the desire to use Lent to be even more conscious of my diet.

  • How are you doing with it?
  • Do you also feel the spring in you?
  • Do you also feel like doing something good for yourself and your body?
  • Do you also feel the need to free yourself from old habits and to try something new?
  • Do you also want to live healthier and more sustainable?
  • Maybe you even have ambitions to change your diet in the long run?
  • You just don't know how to do it?

Then the idea of alkaline nutrition could be just right for you! I will gladly take you along, explain the principle of alkaline nutrition and of course show you why activated nuts can support you in the best possible way.

What does alkaline actually mean again?

Don't be alarmed: we're taking a mini-excursion into chemistry class. Bases are the opposite of acids. The acidity of a substance is indicated by its pH value. Acidic substances have a pH of 0-7, and basic substances have a pH of 7-14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral. A healthy human body has a pH of about 7.4 and keeps it constantly within narrow limits with the help of various systems (lungs, kidneys, liver and buffer substances from the skeleton and blood).

The idea of alkaline nutrition

The principle of alkaline nutrition is based on the fact that different foods are metabolized differently. In the course of metabolism, some foods produce acids, while others produce bases. This has been proven many times and summarized in tables. A rough distinction is made between 4 groups: firstly, the foods that are metabolized acidically and are classified as unhealthy. Secondly, there are the foods that produce acids during digestion, but are still healthy because they contain many valuable ingredients.

Third, there are the foods that are metabolized alkaline, are particularly rich in minerals and are considered very healthy. And the fourth group is formed by a few foods that are considered neutral. The taste of the food has nothing to do with whether acids or bases are produced in the end. Lemons, which are known to taste very sour, are metabolized alkaline and are therefore considered very healthy.

Why are many "acidic" foods so unhealthy?

Commonly, all those foods are classified as acidic that are actually known to be unhealthy anyway and that contain many acid-forming proteins and carbohydrates. These are, for example, (almost) all animal products, such as meat, sausage, milk and dairy products, fish and cheese. In addition, (almost) all cereal and rice products and everything that contains refined sugar, including sweet drinks. Also all convenience foods, including highly processed soy products (e.g. "soy cutlets"), as well as alcohol and caffeine. If we consume a lot or exclusively foods from this category, larger amounts of acid are produced, which the body must neutralize.

While there is little scientific evidence that an excess of acid could actually shift blood pH into the acidic range in the long term, it is not clear that this is the case. Nevertheless, it is certain that neutralizing the acids is a major burden on the body and can lead to long-term damage in some organs.

What else makes the body acidic?

In addition to these foods that lead to excess acidity in the body, our lifestyle also contributes to whether or not we are prone to acidity. When we have stress and therefore our adrenaline levels are often elevated, a lot of acids are produced. Lack of sleep prevents the regeneration of cells. If we drink too little water, we hinder the elimination of harmful substances, just as if we move too little and therefore breathe too shallowly. The fact that smoking or drug consumption cause us lasting damage is mentioned here only for the sake of completeness.

What are the consequences of hyperacidity?

From a naturopathic point of view, hyperacidity of the body is responsible for almost all chronic diseases of civilization and signs of aging. This is because the degree of acidity in the organism has a far-reaching influence on the nature of protein molecules, the structure of cell components, the permeability of membranes and the effectiveness of enzymes and hormones. For example, in the skeletal area, hyperacidity leads to osteoporosis, as calcium is dissolved from the bones to neutralize acids. In the area of the excretory organs, hyperacidity can lead to kidney stones and gallstones. Since we also excrete through the skin, it can cause blemished skin. It can cause gout, rheumatism and chronic pain, also headaches and fatigue, flatulence or hair loss, and lead to increased blood pressure and chronic inflammation. A diet that produces a lot of acids also leads to an extremely unfavorable vicious circle. Cravings for sweet carbohydrates on the one hand, and highly salty, high-carbohydrate foods on the other, build up and lead to eating only more and more acid-producing foods.

Now you're probably wondering how you can help your body get out of the loop of hyperacidity. That's what happened to me. And the answer is as logical as it is simple: in the long term, drastically increase the amount of alkaline foods in your diet and thus help your body to gradually get rid of excess acids.

What is alkaline nutrition?

There are two different types of alkaline nutrition. On the one hand, there is the so-called alkaline fasting, in which you eat only alkaline foods and which can be carried out for a period of up to 4 weeks. It is rather to be regarded as a cure and fits perfectly into the fasting period. On the other hand, there is the permanent alkaline diet, in which one fills the menu with about ¾ alkaline foods and supplements them with about ¼ foods from the categories "acidic but healthy" and "neutral".

By the way, it's the volume on the plate that counts here, so it's quite simple. This form of nutrition is wonderfully suitable for everyday life, uncomplicated and in no way to be seen as a "diet". It is rather a well thought-out, conscious way to eat permanently, for a long, healthy and satisfied life. It is undogmatic and allows you to deviate from the plan or adapt it to circumstances and then return to it. It is not a fast trend, nor a "cure" for the sick, but is intended and suitable for all people equally.

Which foods are alkaline?

Now the question arises as to what foods are left for an alkaline diet, since the "acidic" foods already eliminate a large portion. Rest assured. There are so many, wonderful foods that are considered alkaline. Since the renunciation of sausage and Co is quite easy. Alkaline foods are (almost) all kinds of vegetables, mushrooms, salads, all herbs, all kinds of fruits and dried fruits and some nuts and seeds. They are supplemented by neutral foods such as oil, salt, butter, cream or ghee. In addition, one may eat acidic foods in moderation, which are nevertheless considered healthy due to their nutrient content. These include whole grain products, legumes, pseudocereals such as amaranth, quinoa or buckwheat, organic whole grains such as spelt and kamut, and high-quality animal foods such as an organic egg now and then, some high-quality fish or tofu. But don't get confused in the jungle of acids and bases.

Depending on the measurement method, you will find different lists and a different classification of the foods. It is best not to be dogmatic here, but to follow your feelings and eat what feels right for your body.

Why are nuts such an important part of the alkaline diet?

As you now know, many of the "usual" protein sources cause excess acidity in the body. Therefore, you should rather avoid meat, cheese and co. Nevertheless, proteins are of great importance for the organism. Especially the essential amino acids, which the body cannot produce itself, must not be missing. This is where nuts come into play. Hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are classified as alkaline. Cashews, walnuts and pistachios are considered neutral. With these nuts you have wonderful companions that provide you with valuable proteins, many minerals and trace elements, vitamins and healthy fats.

Why activated nuts and not raw?

If you enjoy activated nuts instead of raw nuts, the benefits and benefits for your body are many times greater. Why is that? At 2DiE4, when we activate our nuts, that is, soak them in a finely tuned sea salt-spring water solution and then slowly and gently dry them, the nuts go through the complex process of germination. During this process, vital alkaline minerals and trace elements are released and are then freely available to your body in maximum quantity. With raw nuts, on the other hand, a large part of the minerals is bound in the nut and not available to your organism. As you already know, foods rich in minerals have a particularly alkaline effect. Therefore, our activated 2DiE4 nuts can support you wonderfully in your alkaline diet. So include a handful of activated hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts and the like in your diet every day. Either pure as a small, happy snack or as part of a main meal, e.g. as a topping on your porridge or salad. Read more in our blog article "Tips around our activated 2DiE4 nuts

2DiE4 nuts - discover them here!

Switch to an alkaline diet

To avoid overwhelming yourself in your daily routine, it's best to take a step-by-step approach to finding YOUR alkaline diet. For example, you could start by preparing a varied salad for lunch every day. How about beet, celery, apple, avocado and fresh coriander? All alkaline vegetables! Chop them nice and fine, then make a mixture of a little salt and apple cider vinegar, let it steep briefly, pour it over the salad, and add a high-quality oil, like olive or canola oil. A real treat! If you have children, you may find it challenging to eat an alkaline diet. However, it can also be quite simple. For example, use whole grain spelt pasta instead of white flour wheat pasta, make varied vegetable sauces to go with it (maybe cauliflower and broccoli with a little cream) and then include more vegetables on your plate than pasta. You know: the ¾ to ¼-volume counts.

Top your serving with some chopped activated hazelnuts or almonds and some fresh parsley and you have a perfect alkaline meal. Or, from now on, start your morning with a wonderful alkaline herbal tea instead of your usual cup of coffee and cook yourself a porridge made with little oatmeal and add lots of fresh fruit.

How does an alkaline lifestyle work?

If you want to follow an alkaline diet permanently, you will soon understand that alkaline foods alone are not enough. Rather, it also requires a change in lifestyle. The wonderful energy of spring can support you so well. As soon as you start to pay attention to yourself, your body, your diet and your lifestyle, you will quickly realize that changes are easily possible, because you are doing it for YOU! Eat gently prepared, fresh, plant-based foods that are high in minerals, trace elements, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eat 3 main meals, whereby the breakfast may be sumptuous, the dinner rather light.

In addition, eat 2 small snacks. Always have activated nuts nearby: they are the best snack, especially pure. Eat raw fruits and vegetables best in the morning and at noon, because that is when digestion is strongest. Prepare your meals with love (even if you take something for work, for example) and enjoy your meals in peace if possible. Chew each bite thoroughly and consciously. Chewing releases enzymes that help break down the food and make the ingredients available. Exercise regularly in the fresh air, so that your breathing gets going and the body can exhale acids. Drink 2 to 3 liters of water (non-carbonated mineral water) or herbal teas per day to support the kidneys and flush out acids. Ensure relaxation and well-being by practicing yoga, meditating or learning another relaxation method. This way you will lower your adrenaline level in the long run.

Very important: be loving and patient with yourself and your body! After all, you have spent many years, perhaps even your entire life so far, quite "acidic".

Why does an alkaline diet do so much good?

When we think of our ancestors, it is clear that they did not have meat or cheese or sugar and fats in abundance. They did go hunting to obtain meat and thus necessary protein. In the predominant measure, however, they nourished themselves from base-rich plants, nuts and seeds. Their organisms were designed for this. The predispositions inherited from our ancestors as to how we metabolize our food still require an alkaline-rich diet today, because our genes are perfectly adapted to an alkaline diet. That is why it is so incredibly good for us to follow this form of nutrition. You will notice: after an initial phase of "overcoming", where perhaps sometimes the temptations in the form of chocolate or chips still beckon, some old complaints subside. You will also notice that the vicious circle of cravings for sweet and salty, carbohydrate-rich foods recedes as if by itself. Then it will become easier and easier to take good care of yourself and live in harmony with your body. On the contrary: at some point you won't be able to do anything else. And that's where we want to be!

We at 2DiE4 support you from the bottom of our hearts with our knowledge. And with our activated nuts.

Live activated!

2DiE4 nuts - discover them here!

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